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Image by Thierry Meier

Club Members stories

Ceri Raffill

I started my Triathlon journey February 2019, I could run some shape & had swam all be it 30yrs ago. I joined Pen Y Bont Triathlon Club as friends had joined & had been inspired by my brother who had done multiple Triathlon's & Ironman events. After supporting him & following him on his journey I had this underlying desire to complete a triathlon & become a triathlete myself. I also wanted to complete the Long Course Weekend in Tenby, to which I signed up for 2020. With events not being able to take place due to the pandemic my dream and desire of becoming a triathlete was put on hold & like many people I had lost my mojo & confidence thinking 'can I really complete a Triathlon'. However with the support and encouragement of this amazing club & my family I completed the Mumbles Sprint Triathlon in October 2021. I'm not afraid to admit it's the hardest thing I've ever done, it wasn't pretty, but I did it and I was super proud to call myself a triathlete. Your body can be trained to do anything, it’s the mind which you need to overcome and I still need reminding of this on a number of occasions as I continue my quest to complete the half distance of all three disciplines at Tenby Long Course weekend July 2022.

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Simon Davies

2012- saw me enter the world of triathlon. This was a works charity event aiming to break you into triathlon. It consisted of 400m pool swim, 20km cycle followed by 5km run. Your transition times weren’t included in your overall time. I headed a team of 4 which included my son Aaron. And we achieved a podium for our team. 

I was carrying an Achilles injury at this time and Aaron truly supported me to the finish line. I wanted Aaron to at least finish in front of me, but true to his impeccable nature, he said ‘no dad, enjoy the crowds and you’re going over the line before me’

This set the Triathlon Bug deep inside.

Having raised over £76,000 for SJP Foundation charity over 10 years, I decided to divert my attention on an alternative charity. ‘Bloodwise’ as a very close member of my family received the devastating news that she had blood cancer and Bloodwise is the major researcher in this field. I completed the 4 Welsh Velathons and When visiting Woodstock in the summer of 2014, I noticed a Bloodwise Banner. This promoted the ‘Blenheim Triathlon 2016.I immediately committed to the 2016 event. This would be my first true triathlon and I was joined by my brother Andrew and sister-in-law Alison. An event that included thousands of participants over the weekend. It was a 750m lake swim, climb through woods to transition in the splendid, carpeted courtyard of Blenheim Palace. The 20km cycle was 3 laps through the picturesque grounds and finished with a (2 lap) 5km run around the Queen lake. And what a bloody fantastic event, and the finishing straight is something I’ll never ever forget. Crossing that line in my Bloodwise Trisuit was extremely emotional moment, knowing that I now have 1 triathlon in the bag but raised so much money for this wonderful cause. 

The following year I was also joined by Aaron who continued to support this event with me, and we were also joined by Aarons then partner ‘now his beautiful wife and my wonderful daughter in law’ Elsa. 

In 2019, both me and Aaron competed in the Blenheim Weekend Warrior challenge which sees you completing as many triathlons as your body allows over the full Saturday and Sunday morning. I was blown away with my achieving a total of 4 triathlons. I was even more proud that Aaron completed 5. And this was a big part of his Ironman Wales training. This year (2019) we were also joined by Elsa, Jay, Jeremy, Andrew and Alison who all competed in the sprint triathlon events. What a fantastic event it was. The finish straight of my last Weekend Warrior triathlon saw me joined by all the above to cross the finish line. Absolutely fantastic.

This was my last triathlon before the Covid Pandemic. During my brief triathlon life, I also completed the Swansea and Saundersfoot triathlon events. All with my son Aaron. We even crossed the line together in Swansea. I’m such a proud father aye. 

Whilst I followed certain triathlon training plans, I could never commit to the full plan. Missing a day here and there but never fought to catch up but continued to next session etc. My time in the triathlon world has allowed me to meet some wonderful people that I now call friends. 

Then, one day, a good friend ‘Joey Howland, set up ‘We Tri Together’ triathlon club. Likeminded people doing what they loved best. This soon escalated when Pen Y Bont Triathlon Club was established. 

Whist I don’t commit to many of the training sessions, I’m always greeted and included as a true ‘family’ member of this exceptional club. There is always someone there to support and encourage you and you’re never left feeling that you’re on your own or weaker than others. A fully inclusive club that supports everyone. 

My main love of these three disciplines is swimming and open water swimming has become a love of mine. Not that I want to achieve great individual recognition but preferring to help others where I can. And this is the ethos of PYBTC.

I’ve enjoyed my new life in the triathlon world and this wouldn’t have been achieved without the massive support from my wife Janet, who has been at every event, cheering me on with gusto and also, ‘very importantly’ supplying the chilled beers at the end of every event that she carries in a pull along cool box.


Raeanna Grainger

Before becoming a member of PYBTC, I was a member of a running club so I knew I enjoyed the social element of exercise and also taking part in events and competitions. However I was feeling like I needed a new challenge.

I’d never really thought about cycling but a friend is a keen cyclist and when he talked about cycling and the enjoyment he got from it, I decided I would give it a go. I approached PYBTC as id seen club members locally and thought they looked like a fun group. And I’m so glad I did because being part of club has made such a difference for me and the support has been amazing. I was really nervous about the swimming element of Triathlon because I hadn’t swum for over 30 years but I shouldn’t have worried because the club swim sessions soon had me remembering the basics and now I swim a few times a week in the pool and the sea.

So last year I signed up for my first Triathlon in Porthcawl, I was so nervous about it and on the morning of the event as I looked over the sea wall my nerves disappeared, and I just felt really excited to be part of something and even better it was in my hometown.

Being part of club helps to keep me motivated as I enjoy spending time with everyone but also it makes me feel proud to take part in events under the club name.

Having taken part of a number of Triathlons and Duathlons in the past year I can definitely say my favourite part of the sport is cycling. I love being out in the fresh air with friends, supporting each other and really just having a good laugh and all while improving fitness…what could be better.


     Richard Berry



In 2014 I started running, at first to keep fit, but soon I was hooked, and I started training for my first 5km race. I continued to enjoy running and took on several different events over a range of distances. After a few years I was still enjoying my running but was starting to lose interest a little in running events. I was looking for a new challenge.

I started to become interested in triathlon around 2018. A colleague had entered his first triathlon. I didn’t think I would be able to achieve anything like that. After talking to him about his training and the event, I started to think it could be possible. I know I had some running ability, I owned a road bike that I had used to commute to work a few years prior. My main obstacle was the swim!

I had previously considered joining a local sports club but felt that with my working hours and commute, I wouldn’t be able to make it to any sessions. It was now 2020 and lockdown was introduced, I was now working from home. I had a look online and on social media and came across Pen Y Bont Triathlon club. I was nervous about joining a club but from what I read online, it seemed the club was welcoming to beginners and had a lot of fun all in the name of triathlon. I submitted an online enquiry and before the end of the day I was a member of a triathlon club!

Even though the first few months of being in the club there was no face to face sessions, I felt welcomed and part of the club. This included online spin sessions, “virtual” club run sessions and run challenges which were sent out to members which helped me feel part of the club and doing something with others.

I was nervous attending my first run session. However, the coaches, activators and other members were really friendly. Once we started running I felt at ease. That was until I realised, I had not paced the first set correctly. I had never done a proper run session before. Lesson learnt quickly! In the end, I loved the run session and from then on, it has been a big part of my weekly training plan.

My first triathlon was a sprint distance in 2021. I was really nervous, but it was a beginner friendly event and was made to feel welcome by the organisers, volunteers and other participants. I loved the event and could not stop smiling during the bike and run courses. I had definitely been bitten by the triathlon bug! I loved the event and even entered a second sprint triathlon the same summer. One thing I really enjoyed was wearing the club colours. The kit is definitely recognisable in a crowd!

It was now the end of the 2021 season, and I was starting to think what events I could take on in 2022. A quick google search and my mind was blown by all the different triathlons events. After talking to other club members, a few had mentioned a middle distance event in Fishguard. I did some research and felt it would be a challenging but rewarding course and should be a really good event to test myself. I then found out that quite a few other members had entered which was really exciting.

Being part of the triathlon club really helped my training and I don’t think I would be enjoying the training and events as much if I was not part of the club. I love the running sessions and club rides. The S&C sessions are brutal but are such a great way to get into shape. The club members, activators and coaches are really supportive, and I love the encouragement I receive which helps me become the best I can be.

Now, summer 2022 it was time to head off to Fishguard. I was excited but also quite nervous about the event but talking to the other club members really calmed my nerves. It was a tough day, especially the swim, but by the time I was on the run course I was really enjoying myself. Especially seeing the other club members running and of the course the amazing club support crew that screamed and shouted every time I passed them. I was having a great time and was chuffed to finish within my target time.

I have a lot to thank the club for and am really excited about what will come in the coming years. One thing I do know for sure is that the club will be there to support me, and I will be having a lot of fun on the journey. UpTheBont!

      Jason Howell


Having slayed the dragon in 2019 but not quite giving it my best, I felt I had to go back.

The first opportunity was 2022, so I signed up in September 2021 with the wife's blessing and rolled out the old training plan. Using the winter to chill and think about numerous training strategies it was soon February 22 and the training plan kicked it. Before I knew, it was the last 4 weeks of training and there was no looking back. It was then time to taper and the last week was hell. We then had to deal the emotions of whether it was on or off due to the loss of the Queen. What an emotional rollercoaster it was and this was all before race day.

Keeping myself wrapped up in bubble wrap and soaking up the pre-race Tenby atmosphere, the nerves started to kick in.

Waking up at 4am on race day made it real. Walking past the fire station towards the transition area with the smell of freshly cooked bacon was torture.

Next I was on the beach and the sunrise was just as amazing as 2019. Then the music started and we were off. 

The swim was fab and the washing machine was in full swing and I loved it.

Then the run to transition and it then it was time to get onto the bike. The crowds were amazing and the weather for the first five and half hours was fine, but then the heavens opened. I made the cut and was so pleased to get onto the run.

During the run I realised that the swim and bike had drained any reserves and it was a case just to finish it in one piece. Again the crowds were fab and seeing familiar faces lifted the spirits from some deep dark places.

Hearing the words "Jason you are an ironman" put everything in the past and finishing with a pb in those conditions was really pleasing. I also realised that you get the best tasting water melon after an ironman 😁.

Now it is time for some R&R.  

Thanks to everyone who supported me along my journey, you don't realise how much it helps.

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